He whom we all regard the most
And keep   with highest esteem.
It has been a long time now,
That Truth has taken a leave.
He is sleeping inside a coffin
Don't disturb him, please.

Truth is an elite
Being an entity of God !
If you disturb him, God will be annoyed !!

All unfairness and barbaric acts
Have surfaced with  full blast
Rationalism and justice have taken a back seat !!

But being completely undeterred,
Keeping his eyes and ears closed
Truth is in a deep sleep now,
Snoring inside the coffin .

Still,  don't disturb him, please
Your God will be annoyed
His Highness may be displeased !!
If you awaken Truth  !!

Hence, let the Truth merrily snore
Though the devils are  playing  at large !!
Shhhhhh,  don’t disturb him now
Your God will be annoyed.
Amitava (9.8.2015) 2-30pm