তিস্তা এবং আমি

তিস্তা এবং আমি
উৎসর্গ To My Gypsy
বইটি কিনতে চাইলে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

সংক্ষিপ্ত বর্ণনা

This book is a collection of poetry and conversations that happened between the author and Tista, when they accidentally crossed path. It is a reinvigoration of old school romance at a time when the importance of feelings and emotions in our lives is waning. The author leaves it up to the reader to decide whether the pages hold the story of unrequited or unexpressed love or that of a relationship that defies conventional definition and doesn't exist, therefore.


She came to me in the most challenging phase of my life and provided the impetus to write this book. And when she appeared in front of me, I saw Teesta flowing somewhere. Whenever she started a conversation with me, I could hear the reverberation of that in Teesta. And whenever she evinced anger, I saw an impending flood in Teesta. To me, this magic hardly happens when I am with others.


এখানে তিস্তা এবং আমি বইয়ের ৭টি কবিতা পাবেন।
